Poker Strategy
Submitted by Cory, this article belongs to Poker Cash Games series.
In this article series, Cory sums up the top 10 most important limit poker cash game strategy tips. Enjoy!
In the last article we talked about learning limit hold ‘em cash games before jumping in to no limit cash games. I hope you all understand why this is really a good idea and are ready to start the min-bet craziness. If so, here are ten tips I’ve gather to get you started on a successful journey to beating low stakes
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Tags: Poker Articles, Poker Cash Games, Poker Strategy, Poker Top 10 Lists
Submitted by Cameron, this article belongs to the Poker Strategy series.
This is a guest post written by AceUnchecked.
Let’s face it. We play poker to make money. We play because we want to turn a small amount of money into a larger part of money. Now, I understand that there are many reasons that we play poker, but I believe that pretty much every player can agree with the fact that we play poker because we, at least in part, want to make money.
This basic assumption means that poker
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Tags: Poker Articles, Poker Strategy, Poker Tools
Submitted by Cory, this article belongs to the Poker Cash Games series.
Observing opponents is one of the key skills to hone as a poker player. You need to notice what hands your opponents are showing down from which positions, how they bet, and their standard bet size etcetera. The best time to make these observations is when you’re not in the hand.
When you’re in a pot, you have a personal vested interest on what you want the results to be. If you’re trying to make a read in
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Tags: Poker Articles, Poker Cash Games, Poker Strategy
Submitted by Cory, this article belongs to the Poker and Life series.
It's every poker players goal and dream to drag the million dollar pots in the biggest cash games or to be sitting at the final table of the World Series with the TV lights shining. While this is a cool goal and the dream is possible, you can't expect to go from novice player to big time winner all in one night, one year, or probably your entire lifetime. It is important to set goals for yourself in poker, but you want to
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Tags: Poker and Life, Poker Articles, Poker Bankroll Management, Poker Cash Games, Poker Strategy, Poker Tournament
Submitted by Steve, this article belongs to the Poker Strategy series.
If you're interested in poker strategy against short stacks, you might also be interested in an article I wrote about Poker buy in strategy - full vs short stack.
Strategy against short-stack cash players
When we discuss playing strategy against a short-stacked player, we need to specify whether it's a tournament or a cash game we're talking about. The difference is quite tremendous and I'll get into why that's the
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Tags: Poker Articles, Poker Strategy
Submitted by Steve, this article belongs to the Poker Strategy series.
Poker losing streaks represent the incarnation of necessary evil in poker.Regardless of how good and lucky a player you are, you will hit a snag in the road sooner or later, and you can take that pretty much for granted.
Poker is a game of variance. You win some and you lose some, and your goal as a successful poker player is to balance things so that at the end of the day, when you add up your wins, your losses, your rakeback,
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Tags: Poker Articles, Poker Strategy
Submitted by Steve, this article belongs to the Poker Strategy series.
There are countless amounts of spots at the online poker tables where utilizing the three bet properly will allow you to chip up hopefully without going to showdown. When I say without going to showdown I am talking about making a bluff move with a nothing hand like 45 offsuit preflop. Before I discuss this theory in detail I’d like to explain what a three bet actually is.
3 bet stealing preflop
Here’s a few more
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Tags: Poker Articles, Poker Strategy
Submitted by Matt, this article belongs to the Poker Strategy series.
It is a well known fact that you will make the vast majority of your money at poker from weak players. It should be common sense that weak players are going to make more mistakes and as a result donate more money to the other players at the table.
Whether you are at the casino or playing poker online you should keep an eye out for players from countries where poker has only just started to become popular, places such as Romania
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Tags: Poker Articles, Poker Strategy
This article belongs to the Poker Tournament series.
General introduction to Double or Nothing poker sit and goes
The Double or Nothing poker sit and go (often abbreviated as DoN SNG) is a relatively new form of the popular sit and go online poker tournament format characterized by a preset (most commonly 6 or 10) number of players each buying in to the sit and go with a fixed amount of money in exchange for a stack of chips.
As the Double or Nothing term implies, you either double your
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Tags: Poker Articles, Poker Strategy, Poker Tournament
Submitted by Steve, this article belongs to The Poker Strategy series.
In this article, Steve takes us through the basics of double or nothing SNGs and in particular double or nothing poker strategy.
Double or nothing poker introduction:
Before we get into the details of double or nothing poker strategy, let’s clarify one thing: Double or Nothings are SNGs in which half the players go home empty handed while the other half double up their buy-ins. Why do people play these SNGs? They’re
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Tags: Poker Articles, Poker Strategy, Poker Tournament